Brand Awareness as a Determinant of Students' Choice of a Higher Institution: Evidence from Students in a Ghanaian University
The competitive landscape of university education in Ghana is characterised by poor infrastructure, quality and environmental conditions, making it challenging for students and parents to select an institution for study. To attract students, universities must effectively leverage their marketing mix, particularly products and brands. This study examines the influence of brand awareness on students' selection of a higher institution. Employing a positivistic paradigm and quantitative approach, a self-administered questionnaire was completed by 345 students at a Technical University in Ghana. Data analysis using SPSS and Smart PLS software revealed a significant positive impact of institutional brand awareness on students' decisions. The study concludes that university branding plays a vital role in enrolment and highlights the importance of developing and promoting brand personality to differentiate universities in a competitive market. By understanding the factors contributing to brand awareness, higher institutions can tailor marketing strategies, enhance their reputation and achieve their objectives
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