Positioning of Mosque Tourism Through Digitalization: A Case Study of Masjid Sri Sendayan Negeri Sembilan Malaysia
Mosque tourism has grown in recent years, attracting millions of tourists to visit mosques worldwide. This phenomenon can be attributed to a combination of factors, including the increasing interest in cultural and religious tourism and the growing awareness and acceptance of Islamic culture. Therefore, Masjid Sri Sendayan is seen to have the potential to be one of the mosques that can gain significant attention from tourists due to its unique design and magnificent architecture. This study aims to explore the positioning of mosque tourism through digitalization in Masjid Sri Sendayan. The methodology of the study includes a qualitative approach, specifically a case study design that involves in-depth interviews with mosque administrators. The Atlas.Ti 22 software was used to analyze and interpret the data collected from interviews, surveys, and observation sources to identify key themes and patterns related to the positioning of digitalization in Masjid Sri Sendayan. The themes developed in this study are mosque structure, mosque management, mosque program (imarah), mosque attraction, type of tourist, tourist facilities, digital type, and digital management. This study contributes to the understanding of how digitalization can play a vital role in positioning Masjid Sri Sendayan as a mosque tourism destination and provides insights for other mosques that seek to enhance their position in the growing mosque tourism industry
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Copyright (c) 2025 Al-Bakri Mohammad, Nazatul Aqilah Sutrisno , Tuan Sarifah Aini Syed Ahmad , Wan Admiza Wan Hassan , Siti Sara Ibrahim

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