The Influence of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction: An Empirical Study in the Fast-Food Industry

  • Nur Jihan Md Johan Universiti Teknologi MARA, Cawangan Negeri Sembilan Kampus
  • Nur Hazirah Hamdan UiTM Pahang Branch Raub Campus, Pahang
  • Suliza Abd Rashid Global Twin Solutions
  • Nur Diyana Mustapha INTI International University
Keywords: Customer Satisfaction, Service Quality (SERVQUAL), A&W outlet, Assurance, Empathy


Service quality (SERVQUAL) is crucial in knowing whether customers receive the level of services they expect and whether such services affect their satisfaction. This study examines the relationship between customer satisfaction and SERVQUAL dimensions of the A&W outlet at Aeon Bandaraya Melaka. 300 respondents were involved in this study, and the data were collected from the distribution of questionnaires. It was found that there was a significant relationship between customer satisfaction and SERVQUAL dimensions of A&W outlet Aeon Bandaraya Melaka, and SERVQUAL remains a critical factor for A&W.  Thus, this study suggests that future research could be carried out in diverse cultural or regional settings to evaluate the relationship between service quality and customer satisfaction across international marketplaces. This will assist the other fast-food industry to overcome the SERVQUAL issues and maintain the sustainability of the fast-food economy.



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How to Cite
Md Johan, N. J., Hamdan, N. H., Abd Rashid, S., & Mustapha, N. D. (2025). The Influence of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction: An Empirical Study in the Fast-Food Industry. Information Management and Business Review, 17(1(I), 62-72.
Research Paper