Understanding Tourist Experiences in Kuala Lumpur: An Evaluation Using the HOLSAT Model

  • Shareenie Shera Binti Abdul Hamid Universiti Teknologi MARA
  • Mohd Adib Izzat Universiti Teknologi MARA
  • Akmal Adanan Universiti Teknologi MARA
  • Mohamad Daim Darson Universiti Teknologi MARA
  • Intan Kusiah Zulkifl Universiti Teknologi MARA
  • Nurul Syamimi Sapuan Universiti Teknologi MARA
  • Sofia Syahirah Shukur Universiti Teknologi MARA
Keywords: Tourist satisfaction, visitor expectations, visitor experience, urban destination, Kuala Lumpur


This study explores tourist satisfaction in Kuala Lumpur by assessing how well visitor expectations align with their experiences of the city's tourism services and products. The research focuses on 22 key holiday attributes, along with 8 attributes related to overall satisfaction, which are grouped into five main categories: attractions, accessibility, amenities, lodging, and food and beverages. To gather data, a survey was conducted with 389 domestic and international tourists who visited Kuala Lumpur, using face-to-face interviews, printed questionnaires, and online surveys. The data was analyzed quantitatively using SPSS and Excel, with Pearson correlation applied to assess the relationship between the five categories and overall tourist satisfaction. The results revealed a strong, positive correlation between these categories and tourist satisfaction, with scores above 0.05, highlighting their significant influence on shaping the visitor experience. These findings provide valuable insights for tourism stakeholders in Kuala Lumpur, offering guidance on improving services and enhancing the city's appeal as a preferred travel destination.



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How to Cite
Abdul Hamid, S. S. B., Izzat, M. A., Adanan, A., Daim Darson, M., Zulkifl, I. K., Sapuan, N. S., & Shukur, S. S. (2025). Understanding Tourist Experiences in Kuala Lumpur: An Evaluation Using the HOLSAT Model. Information Management and Business Review, 17(1(I), 50-61. https://doi.org/10.22610/imbr.v17i1(I).4313
Research Paper