Exploring the Mediating Role of Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) Components in Facilitating Health Behavior Change: A Comprehensive Conceptual Framework
Health behavior, specifically physical health, is the main factor contributing to absenteeism and presenteeism of workers that affect an organization’s profitability. Based on the AIA Validity Survey report from 2017 until 2023, two main factors contributed to productivity loss: unhealthy diet and physical inactivity. As the banking sector strives to be sustainable and competitive, the employees need to improve their performance by increasing their commitment at work this situation has led to a more competitive environment for the banking sector, and the workers tend to experience fatigue as the work involves long working hours, inappropriate reward system, and lack of job autonomy; besides, the role conflict had increased tension, stress, and pressure due to the nature of heavy workload and the need of adaptation towards strict time limits. A study that is based on theory is more relevant to changing individual behavior. Thus, this study aims to identify the mediating role of the theory of planned behavior (TPB) component to understand the determinants related to HBCI among workers in the banking sector. This study will highlight the proposed framework that can be tested for future research in this study.
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