Breaking Barriers: Unleashing Workplace Culture to Empower Women and Combat Discrimination
Women's discrimination in the workplace refers to the behavioral component or differential actions taken towards women. Women often face discrimination due to societal biases and stereotypes. People usually view women as possessing positive traits such as kindness, compassion, and thoughtfulness due to gender stereotypes. Conversely, many people perceive women as reliant, feeble, and overly sentimental, viewing these traits as weaknesses that make them incompatible with leadership roles. Women often miss out on promotions or leadership opportunities, even though they are equally or more qualified than their male counterparts. The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship between women's discrimination in the workplace and workplace culture. A sample of this study included 215 respondents from Malaysian government-linked companies. The data was analyzed using the Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) approach. The findings reveal that workplace culture has a significant impact on women's discrimination in the workplace. Therefore, the implications of this study show that workplace culture is essential and has a direct influence on preventing workplace discrimination against women.
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