Cultural Event Development Model for Quality Improvement of Tourism Event: Case of the 3rd Fishing Boat Festival in Sungsang Village IV, Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra Province

  • Muhammad Iqbal Djohan Palembang Polytechnic of Tourism, Palembang
  • Budi Wibowo Prasetya Mulya University, Jakarta
  • Peni Zulandari Suroto Prasetya Mulya University, Jakarta
Keywords: Cultural event, Event festival, Tourism event, Festival market segmentation, Stages of event


Tourism related to events is a representation of the selling power of the location where the event is held. Festival events have an important role in increasing the selling value of destinations, but this study found that the 3rd Fishing Boat Festival event has not been packaged properly and there is no target market database targeted as tourists. This study aims to create a model for the development of cultural festivals, based on 5 basic stages, namely research, design, planning, coordination, evaluation and compiling a template for providing a database of targets and target tourists using the definable, sizeable, reachable, relevant segmentation method. This study used a combination method or mixed method with a sequential explanatory design with a sample of 100 respondents with 3 data collection techniques, namely by direct observation, document study and interview. This research resulted in 5 stages consisting of 40 steps of festival event management, as well as the targeted tourist segmentation profile. The research contributes to the achievement of the goal of improving the quality of cultural events in tourism villages.


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How to Cite
Djohan, M. I., Wibowo, B., & Suroto, P. Z. (2024). Cultural Event Development Model for Quality Improvement of Tourism Event: Case of the 3rd Fishing Boat Festival in Sungsang Village IV, Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra Province. Information Management and Business Review, 16(3(I), 157-165.
Research Paper