Event Bidding Success Factors of Malaysia’s Business Events: Exploring the Potential Gap in Destination Selection Attributes
Understanding the destination selection attributes is crucial for the survival of the business events industry at any destination. This is particularly pertinent in the business events industry, where competition is strong in the current economic situation. As the landscape of business events continues to evolve, destinations must strategically position themselves to attract and retain these valuable gatherings. The decision-making regarding the selection of the business event destination is prone to be influenced by various potential attributes that are yet to be determined through further exploration. The association or event organizer may exercise their judgment or discretion in selecting the venue, giving them a great deal of flexibility. For Malaysia to be the preferred destination and improve its ranking in international business events especially in Asia Pacific, the products and services supply must be relevant and meet the expectations of the external market. Despite the importance of the business event industry, much of the existing scholarly work has been predominantly focused on the destination selection attributes for leisure and international sports events only. Thus, this paper aims to extend the body of knowledge by investigating whether similar outcomes can be elicited when it comes to business events, with a particular emphasis on understanding the concept and attributes within the context of Malaysian business event associations. Additionally, this study will assist the local hosting and organizations to develop their bid and marketing strategies appropriately by offering exceptional products and services that are customized to meet the expectations of their intended associations.
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