Bibliometric Analysis of Cultural Event Publications (2001-2023)

  • Ahmad Edwin Mohamed Universiti Utara Malaysia
  • Suryati Abd Shukor Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia
  • Mohamad Khairi Alwi Universiti Utara Malaysia
  • Norol Hamiza Zamzuri Universiti Teknologi MARA Selangor Branch, Puncak Alam Campus
Keywords: Bibliometric analysis, cultural events, VOSviewer


Scholars from all around the world are paying more and more attention to cultural event studies as evidenced in several academic publication databases. The existing studies are mainly based on empirical studies using surveys and interviews, and some are based on conceptual papers. However, bibliometric analysis of cultural events has been largely neglected. This study uses a bibliometric analysis approach to get an overview of the landscape, development, and trends of cultural event studies. In addition to that, a bibliometric analysis also enables the researcher to identify prominent authors, institutions, and countries that actively participated in the cultural event studies. This study also aimed at establishing a series of visualization maps using VOSviewer software that displays the links between authors, institutions, and keyword occurrences. A total of 3,578 scientific documents relating to cultural events in various forms were retrieved from the Elsevier Scopus database. Using this database, the bibliometric analysis has been able to identify some prominent authors in this field, the most productive institutions, frequent keywords, top funders, and so on. In conclusion, this paper also provides some key information for future researchers in identifying important research gaps by examining the keyword occurrences relating to cultural events.


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How to Cite
Mohamed, A. E., Abd Shukor, S., Alwi, M. K., & Zamzuri, N. H. (2024). Bibliometric Analysis of Cultural Event Publications (2001-2023). Information Management and Business Review, 16(3(I), 13-26.
Research Paper