Breaking Barriers: Customer Acceptance and Challenges of Waqf-Takaful Death Compensation Products in Malaysia

  • Sukriah Ismail Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Sultan Abdul Halim Mu’adzam Shah, Kedah
  • Marina Abu Bakar Universiti Teknologi MARA Perlis
  • Hanizan Shaker Hussain Quest International University, Perak
  • Mohamad Saufee Anuar Ranhill SAJ Sdn. Bhd, Johor
  • Md Nasri Ali Takaful Ikhlas Family Berhad, Pulau Pinang
Keywords: Waqf-Takaful, Death Compensation Products, Takaful Products, Customer Acceptance, Challenges


This study aims to analyze the acceptance and challenges of waqf-takaful death compensation products in Malaysia, focusing on factors such as product knowledge, education, marketing, customer attitude, and long-term benefits. A quantitative approach using a descriptive cross-sectional survey method was employed, with data collected via a structured questionnaire. The findings revealed that product knowledge, customer attitude, and marketing strategies significantly influence acceptance. However, challenges such as limited awareness, inadequate promotion, and accessibility issues were also identified. The study highlights the importance of improving customer education and refining marketing strategies to enhance the adoption of waqf-takaful products.



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How to Cite
Ismail, S., Abu Bakar, M., Hussain, H. S., Anuar, M. S., & Ali, M. N. (2025). Breaking Barriers: Customer Acceptance and Challenges of Waqf-Takaful Death Compensation Products in Malaysia. Information Management and Business Review, 17(1(I), 80-89.
Research Paper