The Determinants of Supply Chain Performance in Manufacturing Industries: A Case Study of Proton Malaysia
This study examines the key elements that significantly impact supply chain performance in Proton Malaysia, a prominent participant in the automotive sector in Southeast Asia. The objective is to understand the impact of crucial factors on Proton's supply chain's performance, including information quality, information technology, information sharing, big data analytics capacity, supply chain integration, traceability, and agility. The study used a qualitative research methodology to examine Proton's supply chain dynamics, focussing on its strategic collaboration with Geely and the incorporation of new technology. Both primary and secondary data are utilized for analysis. The results demonstrate that Proton's focus on up-to-date information, sophisticated analysis, and robust supplier connections has greatly improved its ability to respond quickly and effectively to operational challenges and maintain its ability to recover from disruptions. Furthermore, the research emphasizes the significance of supply chain agility and integration in effectively responding to market fluctuations and reducing risks. The findings indicate that Proton must consistently engage in technology and supply chain innovation to retain its competitive advantage and successfully traverse the intricate nature of the global automobile market. These lessons apply to Proton and other manufacturing enterprises aiming to optimize their supply networks in a progressively dynamic and linked environment.
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