A Study Examining the Customer Service Experience Using the Partial Least Square (PLS) Approach, with a Particular Focus on Personal Interaction Encounters and Customer Involvement
The relationship between academic achievement, student happiness, and the quality of academic services provided by university staff is a critical issue in Malaysian public higher education. This correlation highlights the importance of understanding the factors that influence the interactions between academic staff and students. Knowledge of the variables affecting how academic staff members and service encounters interact is quite important. This study aims to examine the influence of personal interaction encounters and customer involvement on the level of customer service experience provided by academic staff at Malaysian public universities. To gather data from 454 academic faculty members at Malaysian public universities, a self-administered questionnaire was developed. PLS 4.0 was used in this work and proportionate stratified random sampling was utilized. The results showed significant relationships between consumer involvement and personal interaction encounters with customer service experience. By acknowledging and addressing these variables, Malaysian public universities can foster more positive and productive interactions between staff and students or other stakeholders, ultimately improving the academic experience.
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