The Tendency of Revenue and Levies Contributions to the PAD Jayapura before and after the Law No. 28 of 2009

  • Fahruddin Pasolo


This study aims to determine the tendency of growth of tax revenu elevies, the contribution PAD Jayapura city before and after the Law 28 Year 2009. The research method is done through quantitative analysis using financial ratio analysis techniques Jayapura city government. The resultis an average contribution of taxes to PAD both before and after the implementation of Law No.28 of 2009 showed an increase but the contribution levy decreased. However, the contribution of PAD to Total Revenue Region (TPD) showed an increase(rising).


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How to Cite
Pasolo, F. (2015). The Tendency of Revenue and Levies Contributions to the PAD Jayapura before and after the Law No. 28 of 2009. Journal of Social and Development Sciences, 6(4), pp. 47-51.
Research Paper