of Social and Development Sciences2024-12-01T05:42:27-06:00Editorjsds@amhinternational.comOpen Journal Systems<p><strong>Journal of Social and Development Sciences (JSDS)</strong> is a peer-reviewed open-access journal (ISSN 2221-1152) that publishes original unpublished research work. A scholarly journal deals with the disciplines of social and development sciences. JSDS publishes research work that meaningfully contributes to the theoretical bases of contemporary developments in society.</p> <p><img src="/public/site/images/admin/cc_by1.png"></p> <p>This work is licensed under a <a href="" target="_blank" rel="license noopener">Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License</a></p> Influence of Organizational Climate on Medical Employee Performance: Empirical Evidence from Hail Health Cluster2024-12-01T05:42:27-06:00Faiz Mayah Alshammaryfaiz7378@hotmail.comDhakir Abbas<p>The organizational climate is a very important factor that provides comfort to the employee. The performance of the employee intensively depends on the working situation. The objective of this study is to find out the relationship between organizational climate (OC) and employee performance, to find out the relationship between knowledge transfer (KT) and employee performance (EP), to investigate the role of incorporating technology as a moderator between OC and KT as well as KT and EP in the context of Hail healthcare. For the data collection cross-sectional method was adopted and data was collected from medical and non-medical staff with the help of a questionnaire from February to April 2024. After the data collection, the SEM-PLS regression model was used for the extraction of the results. This study found very important results that OC has a positive and significant impact on collaboration among the employees and enhances the activity of KT. Further, KT also has a positive and significant impact on employee performance. This study also found that incorporating technology has become a very important aspect of maintaining the best OC and knowledge transfer as well as Knowledge transfer and performance of employees. This study is unique in its aspect and provides a clear path to another sector for attaining the best employee performance with the help of climate, knowledge transfer, and incorporating advanced technologies.</p>2024-11-19T10:10:43-06:00Copyright (c) 2024 Faiz Mayah Alshammary, Dhakir Abbas Ali Screen to Society: Exploring Gender Dynamics in Moroccan Cinema2024-12-01T05:42:17-06:00Samiha<p>One of the most sophisticated, collaborative, and by far artistic expressions is cinema. It is a visual medium that is creatively employed to either expose or construct an alternative module of reality. In a country with high levels of illiteracy, cinema can have a grand impact on people who are denied access to print publications. For the last decades, mostly in fictive molds, Moroccan filmmakers have exquisitely produced a variety of significant movies that tackle the position of women in the country. Conscious of the pervasively tremendous influence of cinema, their productions effectively coordinate between the reflection of existing realities and the structure of new ones. This paper examines the construction of women’s gender identity in Moroccan films. Given the profound influence that cinema has on the construction of people’s perception of the world, it is employed in this research to study the interplay of gender power relations in Morocco. It endeavors to investigate the way Moroccan filmmakers build on reality to produce new gender roles. Based on an interdisciplinary study, that includes a thorough physical, political, religious, and social analysis of women’s representation in Moroccan films, this paper focuses on four movies, namely <em>Number One, The Forgotten (</em><em>????????), Zineb Aghma’s Flower (???? ???? ?????), and Her Husband (???? ?????).</em> To some extent, these films provide an idea about the organization of gender roles in the country. It reveals that contemporary Moroccan films are gradually defying traditional notions of femininity and gender roles.</p>2024-11-19T10:12:06-06:00Copyright (c) 2024 Samiha Zouitni of Work Distributive Justice on Patient’s Satisfaction: Mediating Roles of Nurses' Work Performance2024-12-01T05:42:06-06:00Waleed Mansi Alshammariwaleed55222@hotmail.comDhakir Abbas<p>In any organization justice in work distribution is crucial. This justice in the work distribution increases the confidence of the workers and provides equality among other worker. Therefore, the objective of this study is to investigate the relationship between work distribution justice and patient satisfaction in the context of the Hail health cluster. Further, to examine the role of work performance as a mediator. The study employed a quantitative research design, utilizing a sample of 327 nurses working within the Hail Health Cluster. Data was collected through structured questionnaires from May to July 2024, after the data analysis SEM-PLS was used to extract the results. The findings reveal a significant positive relationship between distributive justice and patient satisfaction, with nurses' performance acting as a vital mediator. Results indicate that equitable distribution of workloads, recognition, and resources among nursing staff not only enhances their performance but also leads to improved patient satisfaction levels. The mediating effect of nurses' work performance underscores the importance of distributive justice as a fundamental factor in healthcare management that enhances patient care outcomes. This research highlights the need for healthcare administrators to implement fair and transparent policies regarding workload distribution to foster an environment that supports high-quality nursing performance, ultimately benefiting patient care and satisfaction.</p>2024-11-19T10:13:22-06:00Copyright (c) 2024 Waleed Mansi Alshammari, Dhakir Abbas Ali Agriculture Adoption Among Maize and Beans Farmers in Maseru, Lesotho: A Look at the Adoption Gradients2024-12-01T05:41:55-06:00Falimehang Daniel Ramenofalimehangrameno@gmail.comBrian<p class="Bodytextcontent">Despite the widespread promotion and investment in Conservation Agriculture (CA) by development partners and governments in Southern Africa, the biggest challenge is low adoption rates. This study looks at the CA adoption among maize and beans farmers in Lesotho. The study seeks to enhance the appreciation of factors driving CA adoption. They utilized a multi-stage sampling approach to select the study respondents. The study used purposive sampling to select districts and prominent CA farmers. Simple random sampling was the preferred method to select ordinary CA farmers and conventional farmers to include in the research. The study utilized a structured questionnaire to collect data from 136 households, 37 were CA adopters and 99 were non-CA adopters. The study applied the multinomial logistic regression model to analyze the factors influencing the adoption of CA in Maseru. The study findings show that age, gender, income, training, and field size influence farmers' decision to adopt CA at various adoption gradients while farming experience, land ownership, farmer group membership, access to extension services, soil fertility perceptions, education literacy, occupation, and household size do not influence the adoption of CA. The study concludes that age, gender, income, training, and field size influence farmers' decision to adopt CA at various adoption gradients. The study recommends the capacitation of extension services to improve their competencies as they should be at the center of the promotion of the adoption of sustainable farming practices. Targeted interventions for female farmers are important since the study results showed males have more chances of adopting CA compared to female counterparts.</p>2024-11-19T10:17:56-06:00Copyright (c) 2024 Falimehang David Rameno, Brian Muroyiwa Study on the Role of Men in Curbing the Scourge of Violence against Women and Children in KwaZulu-Natal: South Africa2024-12-01T05:41:44-06:00Simphiwe Promise Buthelezisimphiwe.buthelezi@moseskotane.comLondeka Thandokuhle Mimi Nxumalolondeka.nxumalo@moseskotane.comMlondi Celethobani.cele@moseskotane.comNonkululeko Melody<p>In South Africa, the rates of sexual violence and rape are alarmingly high compared to other countries with similar populations and economies. In the 2022/2023 fiscal year, South Africa recorded 53,498 sexual offences. Therefore, approaches and interventions geared towards addressing Gender Based Violence need to correspond with the understanding of the pivotal role that men could play in dealing with this crisis. The main objective of this study was to explore the role of men in curbing the scourge of violence against women and children in KZN. The study used quantitative methods as well as qualitative methods. The results highlighted that men are not doing enough to curb GBV. Moreover, 40% of the respondents admitted to touching women inappropriately and passing sexist comments to women, whereas 25% indicated that they beat their partners if they were ‘disobedient’ or to prove their masculinity. Also, the findings depicted that the most prevalent type of abuse is physical abuse (65.8%) followed by the sexual exploitation of children (54.4%); emotional and psychological abuse (44.7%); abandonment and neglect (39.5%); and sexual violence (35.5%). Results paint a disturbing picture of South African gender relations and behove strong intervention from the authorities to stop this scourge.</p>2024-11-25T21:17:22-06:00Copyright (c) 2024 Simphiwe Promise Buthelezi, Londeka Thandokuhle Mimi Nxumalo, Mlondi Vilakazi, Thobani Cele, Nonkululeko Melody Zondo