The Impact of Self Help Group Approach in the Lives of Beneficiaries at Household Level: The Case of Children’s Home Society and Family Services, Hosanna Family Empowerment Program

  • Fekadu Negusie


The study was conducted to find out the impacts of Self Help Groups (SHGs) Approach in the lives of beneficiaries at household level: in case of Hosanna Family Empowerment Program which is part of the development projects of Children’s Home Societies and Family Services (CHSFS). Children’s Home Society and Family Services (CHSFS) is one of the international not-for profit organizations in Ethiopia which are promoting SHG approach as a model for transformational development. Self-Help Group is an informal association of people in a village, hamlet or urban neighborhood with the principal objective of empowering destitute women economically, socially, politically, institutionally and spiritually. The researcher focused on analyzing the significant impacts of SHGs compared to other developmental endeavors undertaken by the organization under the study with the following specific objectives in mind: To investigate if the economic aspects of the beneficiaries at household level demonstrated improvement. To assess if SHG approach has brought the desired results on the lives of the beneficiaries in the social, political and leadership aspects of their lives. To recommend if SHG could be adopted as a development model for mitigating poverty at the national level. The researcher used questionnaire for educated respondents and scheduled interview for illiterate respondents. In order to enhance the validity of the research, both qualitative and quantitative methods were applied in the research. The analysis of the findings of the research reveals that involvement in SHGs has significant economic and social contributions on the lives of poor women.


How to Cite
Negusie, F. (2014). The Impact of Self Help Group Approach in the Lives of Beneficiaries at Household Level: The Case of Children’s Home Society and Family Services, Hosanna Family Empowerment Program. Journal of Social and Development Sciences, 5(1), pp. 26-33.
Research Paper