The Effectiveness of Micro-Finance Institutions in Alleviating Poverty: The Case of Bangladesh’s Grameen Bank and BRAC

  • Naziruddin Abdullah


Microcredit is the most effective and successful way to let the poor having access to credit. Research to study its impact on alleviating poverty among the poor is numerous. However, unlike others, our study examines the effectiveness of Grameen Bank and BRAC, the two major micro-financers in alleviating poverty among the most disadvantaged people in Bangladesh. Hitherto, a study of this nature in which two Bangladesh’s micro-financers operating in four districts are surveyed and appraised side by side is hardly at one’s disposal. As such, this study can be considered as pioneering in its attempt. Our study has revealed the followings: (i) the poor are the direct beneficiary of the existing micro-finance institutions in Bangladesh. Nevertheless, some of them, especially those who have accounts in both banks, are having problem to repay the loans. Therefore, a mechanism has to be devised to limit each person to enjoy one loan at a time. In addition, a high percentage of the poor in Bangladesh is looking forward to making loans from interest-free banks; and, (ii) the services rendered by both micro-financers to the poor are still no better than the conventional banks. In fact, more than 50.0 per cent of the respondents have shown their dissatisfaction with the services extended to them. To address this problem, it is highly recommended for both micro financers to improve their services by way of making it mandatory for their staff to undergo relevant training programs.


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How to Cite
Abdullah, N. (2013). The Effectiveness of Micro-Finance Institutions in Alleviating Poverty: The Case of Bangladesh’s Grameen Bank and BRAC. Journal of Social and Development Sciences, 4(7), pp. 339-348.
Research Paper