Human Agency and Freedom at the Face of the Changing Global Environment

  • Manash Jyoti Deka


The meteoric change of global environment in today’s world can be understood at least in two contexts; symbolic and real, understanding it from the Lacanian point of view. The symbolic constructs a structure wherein human beings as subjects are subjectivized under a disguised hallucination of imagination. In addition, the real is that what the symbolic has lost in its very inauguration and therefore keeps desiring. When the symbolic comes to confront the real, i.e. when, for example, a global capitalistic structure faces a lurking nature which is now anti-posed against the symbolic itself due to its exploitive mentality of nature the subject becomes a paranoiac subject. Can a paranoiac subject exercise a real agency and thus recover her freedom without being a schizophrenic? In this paper, I want to discuss these issues from a psychoanalytic as well as philosophical point of view.


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How to Cite
Deka, M. J. (2013). Human Agency and Freedom at the Face of the Changing Global Environment. Journal of Social and Development Sciences, 4(6), pp. 286-293.
Research Paper