HRM vs Industrial Relations: a Comparative and Theoretical Evaluation of Two Disciplines

  • CemalIyem CemalIyem


In recent years, significant changes are experienced in practice as well as theory to the field of industrial relations. Globalization, rapid progress in the field of technology, such as reduction of the importance of class conflict factors affect the industrial relations field. In this paper, the perspectives of (IR) Industrial Relations and (HRM) Human Resource Management disciplines within the framework of the text books compared. During the first part of this comparison information about the conceptual framework of the discipline of industrial relations. In the second part referred to the concept of human resource management. In the last chapter of human resource management and industrial relations textbooks, certain themes will be examined in a comparative framework. Thus, the perspectives of the two disciplines against each other is aimed.


How to Cite
CemalIyem, C. (2013). HRM vs Industrial Relations: a Comparative and Theoretical Evaluation of Two Disciplines. Journal of Social and Development Sciences, 4(4), pp. 185-192.
Research Paper