Explanatory Study of Women Working in the Management of Universities

  • Syeda Qudsia Batool
  • Hassan Raza .


The paper aims to investigate the gender in higher education andcareer experience of women academicians to understand the factors that undermine their career progression. The objectives of the study are to overview the existing situation of women and men in universities and to identify the barriers that cause the underepresentation of women. Both primary and secondary data was used in the study.Questionnaire (Quantitative method )was used to collect the data. The sample of the study consists of 120 women academician of three universities. The sample universities were AIOU, AJ&K and FJWU. Data was analysed through percentage,tabulation and graphs. The paper examined the factors such as work/family conflict, exclusion of women from policy formulation,facilities provided by organization, attitude of male superior and colleagues and difficulties to exercise authority over male.The findings show that work/family conflict and difficulties to exercise authority, exclusion of women from policy formulation are negatively impact on women’s career progression.This study provides an opportunity to develop an insight into the issue of women’s representation in academic and administrative positions in universities. The findings of this study may provide information to different working organizations. There are different projects and programs of ministry of education, ministry of women development. This research would be beneficial both for public and private universities. The study might serve to strengthen efforts to implement equal opportunities for women in the universities and encourage women to put themselves forward for appointment to management positions.


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How to Cite
Batool, S. Q., & ., H. R. (2012). Explanatory Study of Women Working in the Management of Universities. Journal of Social and Development Sciences, 3(12), pp. 397-404. https://doi.org/10.22610/jsds.v3i12.728
Research Paper