Index Analysis Model to Enhance User Comfort in Energy Efficient Buildings

  • M. Pir Mohammadi
  • Gurupiah Mursib .
  • M. Moslemi Haghighi .


This paper presents the research proposal initiated based on needs of high developing country like Malaysia in energy efficiency studies. The research proposal developed based on a “current†research gap to enhance design related building user comfort criteria towards efficient energy used. Research aims to develop index analysis model to enhance consideration of user comfort towards efficient energy use. The relevant objective and methodology of research in four (4) phases is presented. Firstly, it is to investigate building design attributes related to user comfort in sample size of office buildings. Secondly, it is to capture architectural design related “Energy Efficient†attributes using the same sample size of energy efficient consultants within conducting quantitative interviews. Thirdly, it is to evaluate interrelation of EE attributes versus user comfort attributes with in professional group discussion. Finally, it is to develop index analysis model in consideration of user comfort towards efficient energy used. Accordingly, each objective comply novel findings. In conclusion this paper brief proposed research steps to aims to develop index analysis model to enhance consideration of user comfort towards efficient energy use.


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How to Cite
Mohammadi, M. P., ., G. M., & ., M. M. H. (2012). Index Analysis Model to Enhance User Comfort in Energy Efficient Buildings. Journal of Social and Development Sciences, 3(12), pp. 378-381.
Research Paper