Intellectual Capital of Enterprises and Its Role in the Integral Process

  • Tatiana Belyakova


In August 2012 Russia entered the World Trade organization (WTO) and took all the obligations on establishment of this organization according to the Marrakesh agreement. As a participant of the international trade system, Russia obtains a legitimate access to a very much unified legal space and international legal protection guaranteed by WTO norms, which should finally promote development of Russian foreign trade and Russian interests abroad. Thus, annually, within the framework of the world trade, economic participant benefit from application of simplified customs procedures $ 900 bn. Within Russia, according to the data of the Economic Cooperation and Development organization, this benefit may be $18 bn. concerning protection of rights of intellectual property, the Russian Federation has not taken any additional obligations, – and During the period of negotiations the national legislative base was brought in line with the WTO norms. This article is going to consider questions of creation and usage of the intellectual capital in export-oriented innovative enterprises related to development of science and high-technology production, exportation of developed technologies and high-tech products.


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How to Cite
Belyakova, T. (2012). Intellectual Capital of Enterprises and Its Role in the Integral Process. Journal of Social and Development Sciences, 3(11), pp. 365-369.
Research Paper