Structuring Urban Sustainability with Water: A Case of Kamrangir Chor, Dhaka, Bangladesh

  • Rumana Asad


Too much or too little water is always a challenge for any water related issue, especially for developing countries where water is abundant or crisis like Bangladesh with the change of circumstances. Dhaka the capital of Bangladesh is facing a serious water scarcity problem due to the big gap between demand and supply of water system. On the other hand it can be say that this water crisis originated due to too much water like floods, rainfall, drought etc. that force rural people from other part of country towards city and city is losing its hydrological balance to accommodate these unwanted migrated people. Dhaka has experiencing a tremendous pressure and transformation in terms of its water system due to such unmanageable urban growth and uncontrolled urbanization. Design strategies and solution are needed to respond for pressing climate and environmental changes and necessary to take action against the ubiquitous human mismanagement of the essential resource of water. To overcome these water related problem water can be a designing element for structuring future development with the combination of sustainable approaches for social and physical transformation, open up opportunities for land water management system. This paper will try to find the changing relation between the city and its water system. Using Kamrangir chor a water linked suburb in Dhaka as an experimental site this paper will also frame some urban design strategies for reducing water damages, revitalize water sources, productive water parks, which will structure new water based urban development.


How to Cite
Asad, R. (2012). Structuring Urban Sustainability with Water: A Case of Kamrangir Chor, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Journal of Social and Development Sciences, 3(8), pp. 293-303.
Research Paper