Identifying Tools and Techniques for Managing Construction Project Delivery in Small and Medium Enterprises in South African Construction Industry

  • Justus Ngala Agumba


The purpose of this study was to assess the management tools and techniques that are used to manage time, cost and quality and determine if the management tools and techniques used were effective in managing time, cost and quality. Fifteen small and medium construction enterprises accepted to be interviewed after they were purposively sampled in Gauteng province in the city of Johannesburg, South Africa. This study reports the findings of in-depth structured interviews with directors and construction managers of the small and medium construction enterprises. The results were analysed using content analysis and the findings reveal that the management tools and techniques used to manage time were bar charts or networks; in managing cost, cash flow and cost breakdown structure or bill of quantity, and in managing quality, inspection of work and specifications. The respondents agreed that in using these management tools and techniques they were able to effectively manage their projects and attained the targets set.


How to Cite
Agumba, J. N. (2011). Identifying Tools and Techniques for Managing Construction Project Delivery in Small and Medium Enterprises in South African Construction Industry. Journal of Social and Development Sciences, 2(4), pp. 204-213.
Research Paper