Privacy and Security Issues of Mobile Phone-The Case of Dhaka City, Bangladesh

  • SSM Sadrul Huda
  • Md. Gazi Salah Uddin .


The forecasted number of mobile phone users will be around 70 million at the end of 2011. This statement makes everybody remind the quick emergence of cell phone and shows the strong and fastest growth in mobile phone industry which also reminds the importance of mobile phone retailers. No doubt, that mobile phone services are an important contributor to the cash-strapped nation's economy. When this industry is booming out, the safety and security issue related to the use of mobile phone has come up with a great concern. The development of mobile technology has positioned privacy and security into risk to its users.) This risk hampers the daily economic activities thus the economic growth and development. This study concerns about how personal, social and economic safety and security, health and privacy issues can be hampered by the misuse of mobile phone (threat, harassment). This study also concerns whether crime committing has become more organized with the help of mobile technology. And whether there should be a clear law to protect general people from harassment through mobile phone. Lastly this study comes up with the decision that whether the misuse of mobile phone (threat, harassment), hampers economic activities which have an adverse affect on economic development. The target population for his study is the micro entrepreneurs in Dhaka who inseparably depend on mobile phone for their business communication as well as the users of mobile phone are the target population of this study. The sample size is one hundred and four (104) micro entrepreneurs and users in Dhaka. The sample size is one hundred and four micro entrepreneurs and users in Dhaka. The structured questionnaire based on Likert scale has been used to ask the respondents to indicate their agreement or disagreement on a five point scale ranging from strongly agrees. The study comes up with the findings that misuse of mobile phone (threat, harassment), hampers economic activity thus have an adverse affect on economic development.


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How to Cite
Huda, S. S., & ., M. G. S. U. (2011). Privacy and Security Issues of Mobile Phone-The Case of Dhaka City, Bangladesh. Journal of Social and Development Sciences, 2(1), pp. 14-21.
Research Paper