Workers’ Participations in the Management of H.P. State Electricity Board

  • Parkash Chandel


Participative management recognizes the desire of the workers for a say, an involvement and control over and understanding of the decisions which affects their lives. Workers’ participation in management which meet the aspirations of the workmen and have recently emerged are respectively the whitely type councils, profit-sharing plans and co-partnership, and worker-director schemes, sharing of information with, and consulting, workers to sharing the right of decision-making on issues of interest to the working class. Whatever may be the form of control there is inevitably some flow of power and authority from management to workers.


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How to Cite
Chandel, P. (2011). Workers’ Participations in the Management of H.P. State Electricity Board. Journal of Social and Development Sciences, 1(4), pp. 130-137.
Research Paper