Suitability of the HIV/AIDS Control Program in the HIV/AIDS Control Policy in Banjarmasin to Achieve "Getting to Zero"
Increasing HIV/AIDS infection has made Banjarmasin City government increasingly worried, so
that the realization of policy implementation is needed to solve the problem. Because if the problem of
HIV/AIDs is allowed to have an impact on regional development, budgeting and also have an impact on
poverty. Based on these, this research is focused on the suitability of the program with the needs of the
community in implementing HIV/AIDS control policies. This study aims to describe, analyze and interpret
matters relating to the suitability of the program with the need to implement policies in an effort to control
HIV/AIDS in the city of Banjarmasin. The qualitative research method uses a descriptive approach based on a
public policy perspective. This study seeks to present the empirical facts of the Banjarmasin City
government's naturalistic actions and reveal hidden values. So it is expected to illustrate the phenomenon of
the implementation of government policies regarding the suitability of the program with the need to control
HIV/AIDS in the city of Banjarmasin. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the suitability
of the program with the needs in the Implementation of HIV/AIDS Control Policy in the city of Banjarmasin
has not run in accordance with the contents of the local regulations. Incompatibility of HIV/AIDS control
programs with community needs in the city of Banjarmasin and the lack of stakeholder support and
coordination in efforts to control HIV/AIDS based on these findings and the suggestion of this research, it will
help the Banjarmasin City Government take HIV/AIDS control policies that are oriented towards the needs of
the people in Banjarmasin City. This research also aims to contribute to the public policy scientific literature
and individuals involved in controlling HIV/AIDS in the City of Banjarmasin.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Nana Noviana, Sri Suwitri, Bambang Supriyono, Sutopo Patria Jati

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