The Socio-Political Dynamic Import of Citizens Participation in Public Resource Management in Relation to Good Governance for South Africa
This article looks at the social fundamentals in Africa’s political governance in relation to basic
leadership and its system of administration regarding public office holders vis-a-vis political leaders. In an
attempt to address the research question, it conceptualizes the dynamics of having a transparent government,
in the changing pattern in leadership in relation to good administration of governance and the management
of public goods and delivery of services to general public, a system for which the discourse changes in Africa’s
legislative issues. This article focuses on the structures of interaction from the national to local level it then
brings up development of events that seem to be basic to all African politics, which may have been inciting the
changes in the original patterns. It identifies socio-political and economic policies as bedrock that is central to
a country’s stability and development. Inevitably, a properly established economic policy is needed to ensure
the sustainability, strength, development, and delivery, of public goods efficiently. This article contributes to
the political discourse in Africa, which may have continued to this day and findings shows the obvious failures
on the part of political leaders’ and their inability to manage public resources, thereby making them deviate
from their campaign manifestos or become detached from people-centred fundamental issues of governance.
Qualitatively, this article is conducted and guided by Stewardship and Corporate Governance theory. It
objectively looks at the keys of good governance as its objective in the post-independence African public
sector in providing an enabling environment and effective regulatory framework.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Andrew Osehi Enaifoghe, Tafadzwa C. Maramura, Israel K. Ekanade, Hannah Muzee

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