Impact of Brand Label on Purchase Intention of a Customer

  • Ahsan Ul Haq Riphah International University Faisalabad, Pakistan
  • Irfan Ahmad Kahloon National University of Modern Languages, Pakistan
  • Aamir Saleem Government College University Faisalabad, Pakistan
Keywords: Brand Label, Store Image, Purchase Intention


Main target of this research is examining the relationship between the purchase intention of cosmetics and brand label. The image of the store mediates the relationship between purchase intention and brand label in the cosmetics sector of Pakistan. To check the direct or indirect effect of brand label on purchase intention, data was collected from 200 customers of different stores. Snow ball sampling technique is used for the collection of data from respondents, and PLS-SEM 3 was used to test the hypothesis. The findings indicate that brand label positively and significantly impact customer purchase intention of cosmetics and store image is also positively linked with brand label and mediating the relationship between purchase intention and brand label. Findings will help the retail service sector to understand the importance of store image and how to enhance the consumers purchase intentions. Over long term, customer retention is better and business profitability is greater.



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How to Cite
Ahsan Ul Haq, Irfan Ahmad Kahloon, & Aamir Saleem. (2019). Impact of Brand Label on Purchase Intention of a Customer. Journal of Social and Development Sciences, 10(2(S), 44-51.
Research Paper