Assessing the Implications of Deviant Behavior on Society in Central Punjab Pakistan

  • Muhammad Arqam Mushtaq Department of Sociology GC University Faisalabad
  • Muhammad Idrees Department of Sociology GC University Faisalabad
  • Muhammad Roman University of Agriculture Faisalabad
Keywords: Crime, Deviant Behavior, Implication, Chi-Square, Regression


The present study has been designed to assess Implication of deviant behavior among in Central Punjab Pakistan. Generally, crime is treated as the unexpected behavior of an individual which goes against the law. The main purpose of this study is to analyze the implications of crime in society. In Pakistan, lower socio-economic status holders are involved in crimes as well as high socio-economic holders are also involved, hence they want to accumulate more wealth through illegal ways. Crime affects the state in social, economic and psychological terms. The present study was conducted in central Punjab. A sample of 300 respondents was selected by using convenient sampling technique from the one selected district of the central Punjab. Moreover, data was with the help of a well-designed interview schedule. Collected data was analyzed by using SPSS. On the bases on finding it was concluded that there are number of socio-economic and psychological factors that created problems in state and become hurdle in the sustainable development of Pakistan and this problem badly damage the whole sphere of the society. Some policy measure and recommendations was also proposed by the study to cope with this problem. 



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How to Cite
Mushtaq, M. A., Idrees, M., & Roman, M. (2018). Assessing the Implications of Deviant Behavior on Society in Central Punjab Pakistan. Journal of Social and Development Sciences, 8(4), 33-41.
Research Paper