Transport Infrastructure as a Factor of Economic Growth in Azerbaijan

  • Maharramov Amil Mammadali Department of “Economics and Management, Baku State University
  • Khasiyev Bahruz Gabil Odlar Yurdu University, Baku
Keywords: Transport infrastructure, various of transport, investments in the transport sector, transport system, economic growth


The nature of the transport infrastructure has been shown as an important factor in the socioeconomic development of its countries. Here, in our country, the developmental possibilities of the transportation system and the basic directions of the state policy towards the development of the transportation infrastructure have been shown. Some aspects of the transport's role in the country's economy have been reviewed. Basic indicators of the development of the transport infrastructure and information on the current state of transport infrastructure for the various countries of the world are provided. Some provisions regarding the effect of the development of transportation infrastructure on the economic growth, the development of the economy are mentioned. A number of expected economic impacts have been shown from investments made to improve the transport infrastructure at the end.  


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How to Cite
Mammadali, M. A., & Gabil, K. B. (2017). Transport Infrastructure as a Factor of Economic Growth in Azerbaijan. Journal of Social and Development Sciences, 8(3), 35-39.
Research Paper