A Study of Participation Rate, Transparency and Accountability of Special Autonomy Funds Management in Jayapura
The aim of this study is to identify and review financial planning and management issues from Papua's Special Autonomy Funds in the fields of education and health over a period of 5 years (2008-2012) in Jayapura and to assess what issues of public concern in that planning and management. The observed object of study is the input, output and outcome of the implementation of the planning and budgeting of Special Autonomy funds related to the services for indigenous people in the education and health sectors in Jayapura. The population in this study is the local work units (SKPD) that manage the funds in both sectors and legislature in the government of Jayapura. The sampling techniques are non-multistage random sampling, non-random and purposive sampling. Data collection is through (1) Questionnaire. (2) Interviews (3) Study of Literature (4) Focus Group Discussion. All the collected date was analysed through the descriptive statistics and case studies. The results show that the medical staff at the health centres (Puskesmas dan Pustu), teachers and principals at the education centres as well as society consider that that level of participation, transparency and accountability in the management of public funds is less satisfactory for indigenous Papuans. Planning through village and district’s development planning meetings (Musrenbang) do not get involved health and educational institutions. The community is more involved in the planning process of the Strategic Plans of Village Development (Respek) Funds than the use of special autonomy funds; therefore the information about spending of Respek funds is easier obtained than the government spending on the special autonomy fund. In the compilation of the Proposed Definitive Plan, Development Planning Agency (Bapeda) need to get involved all SKPDs as fund users and the discussion of the Plan needs more consistency in funds allocation of the priority sectors as indicated in the Law 21 of 2001.Downloads
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