The Analysis of Cocoa Production in Manokwari (The Case Study in Asai and Mubraidiba Village)
The objectives of the research are used to determine: (1) the factors affecting the level of cocoa production in Asai and Mubraidiba village, Manokwari, (2) the difficulties faced by cocoa farmers there, and (3) the efforts to improve the productivity of cocoa in Manokwari. The analytical tool used is multiple linear regressions with a sample of 100 cocoa farmers. The results showed that negative factor that influence the level of cocoa production in Asai and Mubraidiba village in Manokwari is the wide of area (X1), age of plant (X2), the amount of fertilizer (X3) and total amount of the employee (X4). Among those several factors, the dominant factor that influence the level of cocoa production the most in Asai and Mubraidiba village, Manokwari is negative of wide area (b1) has a positive value in 6419 followed by the amount of negative number of employee (b4) also in positive value, 007. Then, age of plants (b2) has a negative value in -22 962, and the last negative factor is the amount of fertilizer (b3) also in negative, -.001. The difficulties faced by farmers in Asai and Mubraidiba are the absence of mentoring. Mentoring is needed by the farmers to give them some solutions for their difficulties. The efforts to improve the productivity of cocoa in Manokwari are harvest, pruning, sanitation and fertilization that are called as PSPSP, in Bahasa means Panen Sering, Pemangkasan, Sanitasi dan Pemupukan.Downloads
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