Intellectual Property Valuation Using Income Approach Method for Technology Licensing

  • Dhruv Joshi


Technology licensing is one of the key transactions that enable translation of R&D investments into profits by commercialization of technology. The elementary economics of such transaction suggests that while a licensor attempts to derive benefits greater than the cost of development of the technology protected by IPR, in exchange of monopoly rights, the licensee attempts to minimize the license value to ensure higher profits. This leads to the requirement of valuation of the technology by either party. This paper presents some of the key characteristics related to intellectual property valuation and an analysis of the income method approach in estimating the profitability of commercialization of a technology involving a patent.


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How to Cite
Joshi, D. (2011). Intellectual Property Valuation Using Income Approach Method for Technology Licensing. Information Management and Business Review, 3(6), pp. 302-314.
Research Paper