Rationale for Selecting Taiping, Perak as a Study Location for Ageing: A Conceptual Framework for Age-Friendly Cities
This conceptual paper explores the rationale for selecting Taiping, Perak, Malaysia, as a study location for ageing research within the framework of the World Health Organization's (WHO) Age-Friendly Cities and Communities (AFCC). Taiping’s rich historical and demographic context and designation as the pilot site for Malaysia’s Age-Friendly City initiative in 2019 highlight its potential as a model for studying ageing in place. This research aims to analyse Taiping's unique characteristics, such as its ageing population, urban design, and social structures, to evaluate its readiness to meet the needs of older adults. The study highlights key factors influencing Taiping’s selection, including community support systems, social participation opportunities, accessible infrastructure, and alignment with WHO’s eight AFCC domains. Preliminary findings suggest that while Taiping exhibits promising features, such as strong community engagement and a well-preserved historical environment, gaps remain in integrating age-friendly practices and policies. This paper addresses these gaps by proposing a conceptual framework tailored to Taiping’s context, aiming to enhance urban planning and policy development for ageing populations. By doing so, it contributes to the global discourse on age-friendly urban environments and offers practical implications for policymakers in Malaysia and beyond.
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