The Consequences of Emotional Intelligence on Various Organizational Outcomes
Research has consistently shown that emotional intelligence (EI) is positively correlated with various organizational outcomes. EI incorporates one's ability to recognize, express, understand, and manage their own emotions and the emotions of others. Studies have shown that employees with high EI can successfully steer the challenges and dynamics of the workplace; in achieving both personal and organizational outcomes. There are various organizational outcomes associated with emotional intelligence that have been extensively studied across many fields. EI has demonstrated a positive correlation with organizational citizenship behavior, job performance, job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Conversely, various studies found EI to have a negative relationship with job stress. This review paper focuses on four important consequences of organizational outcomes namely organizational commitment, organizational citizenship behavior, job satisfaction and job stress. In conclusion, a wide range of disciplines have extensively studied EI as a predictor of many organisational outcomes, including work satisfaction, organisation commitment, and citizenship behaviour. Conversely, EI are found to negatively correlated with job stress in which the higher EI that employee possessed, the less stress they have towards job. In conclusion, EI are also essential for keeping a motivated and productive employee, which eventually benefits the company as a whole.
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