Badiuzzaman Said Nursi's Approach to Effective Da'wah Management: The Role of Eye Contact, Facial Expressions and Body Gestures in Information Delivery
Effective communication information is essential today. In the field of da'wah management, the mastery and skills of non-verbal communication by the da’i, such as eye contact, facial expressions, and body language management, can enhance the effective delivery of da’wah messages. In the 21st century, among the successful da’i is Badiuzzaman Said Nursi, whose approach integrates both verbal and non-verbal communication techniques to ensure information reaches its intended audience effectively. This study focuses on the three elements of non-verbal communication contained in Badiuzzaman Said Nursi's kenesik communication, and their role in managing information flow within da’wah. Three elements are eye contact, facial expressions, and body language. The study employed a qualitative approach, utilizing document analysis and content analysis to examine Said Nursi’s writings and da’wah strategies. The results reveal that Badiuzzaman Said Nursi’s effective da’wah management through non-verbal communication significantly contributed to the global acceptance of his message, demonstrating that managing non-verbal cues enhances message clarity and audience engagement. These findings provide valuable insights for preachers in both traditional and contemporary settings, emphasizing the importance of synchronizing verbal and non-verbal communication for effective da’wah management.
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