Exploring Reflections on Learning Grammar through Task-Based Activity among Undergraduates
Task-based activities in L2 classroom settings such as preparing multimedia presentation materials and cooperative presentations can significantly improve L2 learners’ language acquisition, in terms of encouraging self-directed learning, improving students’ confidence and interest in learning, as well as promoting peer interactions. Nevertheless, this kind of language learning activity can be difficult, even for advanced L2 students due to challenges like problems working in a team, presentation anxiety, and cognitive load. Within this context, the present study aimed to explore the perception of L2 learners when learning English grammar through task-based activity. This qualitative study is derived from a conceptual framework from Willis (1996), which comprises three stages of task-based learning (TBL). The sample of this study consists of forty-one English language undergraduates who are studying a communicative English language course in a Malaysian public university. The data was derived through a survey questionnaire based on open-ended questions. The findings revealed both positive and negative reflections on the TBL, even though they are considered advanced users of the L2 language. The findings are comparable to past studies of different contexts. From these findings, it is suggested that future research should explore participants' perspectives on the potential effectiveness of implementing TBL in pairs.
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