Ontology of Protection Motivation Theory on Digital Risk–A Systematic Literature Review
The world of technology is advancing at a breakneck pace. There is no doubt that the convenience of this technology simplifies and expedites everything. The services made available with digitization technology are vast to start with, such as government services, online sales, e-learning, e-banking and many more. Among the areas of importance that shall be highlighted via this article would be any routines involving digital payments. The availability of digital payments facilitates the buying process, business transactions, and bill payments, among other things. Risks related to digital payment usage shall be accelerated if individuals lack experience, disclosure, and much more information related to the procedure of digital payments itself. Not to mention, the risks of cyber security hacking which also on the rise courtesy of the increasing usage of digitalized technology per se. As a result, risks that occur will negatively affect the public's perception, trust and confidence. Simultaneously, this will impact the economic environment, business, and society. As a result, precautionary behavior among customers shall be studied rather than technology acceptance. The protection motivation theory (PMT) shall be adopted for this study since it is well-suited to identifying users' adaptive behavior towards the usage of technology as well as determining whether or not they are aware of the risks associated with the relevant technology involved. The study uses the method of Systematic Literature Review using 11 extant studies to evaluate the protection behavior of digital payment risk.
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