Enhancing Hajj Education through Interactive Multimedia Game-Based Learning

  • Mohd Shukor bin Abd Rahman Universiti Teknologi MARA
  • Alias bin Deraman Universiti Teknologi MARA
  • Haikal Haziem bin Zul Universiti Teknologi MARA
Keywords: Hajj board game, Game-based learning, pilgrimage


The Hajj pilgrimage, a fundamental aspect of Islamic education, often lacks engaging educational tools to convey its experiential and cultural significance. However, traditional methods fail to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical understanding.  Therefore, this study presents the development and evaluation of the “Islamic Insight: Hajj Board Game,” an interactive 2D Game-Based Learning (GBL) tool designed to educate students about the Hajj pilgrimage. The game was developed using Agile methodology, incorporating Unity, Canva, and Microsoft Visual Studio tools. The primary objectives were to design a comprehensive storyboard, create the game, and evaluate user experience. The evaluation phase utilized the Game Experience Questionnaire (GEQ) to gather insights from 39 respondents. The GEQ results indicated a positive reception, with high ratings in competence (mean = 4.26) and immersion (mean = 3.85). Participants found the game engaging and educational, with positive affect scoring a mean of 3.35. However, the challenge aspect received a moderate rating (mean = 2.58), and the negative effect was low (mean = 2.18), suggesting minimal negative emotions during gameplay. Overall, the Hajj Board Game successfully provided an engaging and informative experience, enhancing students’ understanding of the Hajj pilgrimage. Future research should focus on improving accessibility and expanding the game to mobile platforms to reach a broader audience.


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How to Cite
bin Abd Rahman, M. S., bin Deraman, A., & bin Zul, H. H. (2024). Enhancing Hajj Education through Interactive Multimedia Game-Based Learning. Information Management and Business Review, 16(4(S)I), 35-42. https://doi.org/10.22610/imbr.v16i4(S)I.4274
Research Paper