Evaluating Learning Engagement in MyPerjuangan Game-Based Learning Using E-Game Flow: A Case Study of History Education in Malaysia
Passing the History subject in Malaysia is compulsory for students who want to receive the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) certificate. Traditional teaching methods, often focused on rote memorization, have led to disengagement and low enjoyment among students. This research addresses the need for improved learning engagement and information management by developing MyPerjuangan, a game-based learning platform focusing on Malaya's Japanese occupation. The aim is to evaluate the effectiveness of game-based learning in managing educational content and enhancing student engagement in history education. The study developed the platform using the Game Development Life Cycle (GDLC) methodology. It employed the E-Game Flow model to evaluate user experience across several dimensions: concentration, feedback, goal clarity, and knowledge improvement. Data were collected through a survey of 10 respondents, consisting of teachers and students, with an overall satisfaction rate of 94.3%. The mean values for key factors such as concentration (92%) and knowledge improvement (100%) indicate high levels of engagement and effective information management within the platform. These findings suggest that MyPerjuangan successfully manages and delivers historical information engagingly, significantly improving students’ interaction with the material. However, limitations such as the small sample size and the platform’s exclusivity to desktop use were identified. Future research should expand the study to a larger, more diverse sample and explore multi-platform accessibility to enhance the system's scalability. In conclusion, game-based learning is valuable for improving educational content management and student engagement in history education.
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