The Impact of Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment on Employee Turnover Intentions in the Malaysian Manufacturing Industry
One of the primary resources of an organization that can provide a worthy contribution to the achievement of the organization’s strategies is human resources. A significant problem in most manufacturing organizations is the desire to leave. Given this, the objective of this study will be to assess and measure the impact of job satisfaction and organizational commitment on employee turnover intention in the manufacturing sector. Of 200 questionnaires, 179 were filled out by a manufacturing organization (response rate = 89.5%). Demographic profiles were described using frequency count and percentages of the respondents. Descriptive and inferential statistics were adopted for the analysis of specific data gathered. Regarding inferential statistics, the measure used in the study was the Pearson Correlation Coefficient, which was used to determine the strength of the relationship between dependent and independent variables. According to the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that the independent variable job satisfaction is related to the sub-variable satisfaction with compensation and satisfaction with career development opportunities, which has a low negative correlation with employees' turnover intention. However, no significant relation was found between organizational commitment and the turnover intention of employees within the organization. This research offers valuable information to organizations within the manufacturing industry regarding the factors influencing turnover intention, including job satisfaction and organizational commitment.
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