Awareness of Takaful Ownership among the Kuala Klawang Community: Challenge or Opportunity?

  • Nor Hazanah Miskan Islamic University Melaka
  • Nurulhayah Muhamad Islamic University Melaka
  • Maryam Mohd Esa Islamic University Melaka
  • Farah Saniah Mohd Zabidi Islamic University Melaka
  • Nurul Liyana Hussin Islamic University Melaka
  • Siti Afifah Nasuha Islamic University Melaka
Keywords: takaful, awareness, finance, attitude, knowledge


The Takaful industry in Malaysia has grown rapidly in line with the development of the Islamic banking industry. This development offers an alternative approach to Islamic risk management and control. The study aims to examine the impact of financial, attitude, and knowledge towards the awareness of Takaful among the Kuala Klawang district, Jelebu community. The findings of the study obtained through the distribution of a questionnaire of 90 respondents were analyzed and focused on correlation and regression analysis. The result of the study shows a moderate correlation between financial, attitude, and knowledge towards takaful awareness. Takaful is a reliable financial instrument offering guaranteed and safe protection.


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How to Cite
Miskan, N. H., Muhamad, N., Esa, M. M., Mohd Zabidi, F. S., Hussin, N. L., & Nasuha, S. A. (2024). Awareness of Takaful Ownership among the Kuala Klawang Community: Challenge or Opportunity?. Information Management and Business Review, 16(4(I), 12-17.
Research Paper