A Correlation Analysis of the KAP Model against Online Scam Crimes in Malaysia
This study aims to analyze consumers’ Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices (KAP) Model of online scam crimes in Malaysia following the increase in crime cases that have become a concern. By using a quantitative approach, data were collected through questionnaires and analyzed by using SPSS software to identify the relation between demography, internet usage, and consumers’ cautious behavior. The KAP Model is adopted as the main framework to comprehend the consumers’ interaction with their digital surroundings. The findings of this study show there are positive correlations between age, education, and awareness of online scam crimes. The findings also found that there are strong relations between internet users and social media with consumers’ preventive behavior. This study aims to identify the gap in the literature about psychosocial factors that influence consumers’ awareness. The result of this study is hoped to be a guide to the policymakers and the authorities in designing more effective prevention strategies to protect consumers from the threat of online scams as well as enhance digital literacy among Malaysians.
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