A Critical Analysis of Science And Technology’s Impact on The Re-Evaluation of Iddah From Al-Talil Bi Al Hikmah Perspective
In contemporary Islamic discourse, there is an increasing emphasis on the role of wisdom in determining Islamic law due to its significant connection with the concepts of ?illah and Maqasid Shariah. This discussion in U??l al-Fiqh is known as al-Ta?l?l bi al-?ikmah. Additionally, the rapid advancements in modern science and technology are recommended for integration into contemporary Islamic legal research. Thus, exploring the intersection of wisdom and science is crucial. One of the issues that is often a concern in responding to the relationship between wisdom and science within Islamic law is the rule of iddah. This study aims to investigate the relationship between the rule of iddah and its underlying wisdom, as well as the role of science in realizing this wisdom and its impact on legal rulings. A qualitative approach was employed, using document analysis of both classical and contemporary writings on the rule of iddah. The analysis was conducted inductively to identify the principles of al-Ta?l?l bi al-?ikmah, which form the primary framework for examining the iddah issue. This study finds that if the use of wisdom and science in determining Islamic rules aims at realizing the objectives of the Shariah, performed by its guidelines, then it conforms with the requirements of Shariah and achieves Maqasid Shariah.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Md Azzaat Ahsanie Lokman, Muhammad Faidz Muhammad Fadzil, Izzah Nur Aida Zur Raffar, Muhd Imran Abd Razak, Mohd Farhan Abdul Rahman

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