Hybrid Working and Employee Job Performance in Felcra Berhad: An Examination of The Moderating Role of Job Satisfaction
In today's dynamic work environment, understanding the impact of hybrid working on job performance is crucial. Many organizations, including FELCRA Berhad, adopted hybrid working during the COVID-19 pandemic to enhance employee efficiency and flexibility. This study explores FELCRA Berhad's job performance and satisfaction during the pandemic and evaluates the potential success of hybrid working post-pandemic. Using a quantitative research design and purposive sampling, data were collected from FELCRA Berhad employees through online and physical questionnaires. The data were analyzed with IBM SPSS Version 28 to examine the relationship between hybrid working (working conditions, work-life balance, and recognition) and job performance, with job satisfaction as a moderating factor. The results indicated a significant positive relationship between working conditions and job performance. While work-life balance and recognition showed moderate positive relationships with job performance, they were not statistically significant. Job satisfaction did not significantly moderate these relationships. However, the group effect for hybrid working remained significant across all dimensions. In conclusion, the study confirms a significant positive relationship between hybrid work conditions and job performance, providing a foundation for FELCRA Berhad to consider implementing hybrid work practices based on their direct effects on job performance.
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