Examining the Effects of E-Satisfaction, E-Trust and Perceived Value on Repurchase Intention among Young Adults
This study adapted some of the dimensions in the ES-QUAL model that contribute to e-satisfaction, with additional factors of e-trust and perceived value about repurchase intention among young adults in an online shopping setting. The research methodology involved a sample size of 103 full-time students of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) Retail Management (Hons.) in UiTM Puncak Alam aged between 18 to 26 years old, utilizing a structured adapted questionnaire to capture demographic profiles and components of e-satisfaction, e-trust and perceived value about repurchase intention. The descriptive statistics show a substantial increase, with the highest mean obtained by e-satisfaction, followed by perceived value and e-trust. In addition, the finding implies that there is a high degree of repurchase intention among these students.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Nur Shahrulliza Muhammad, Aida Azlina Mansor, Iman Haiqal Rohisham, Irfan Hadeef Taufik Afendy, Muhamad Zahir Ismadi, Alia Amrina Mohd Azli, Aina Nadhirah Zakaria, Nurul Ain Azmi

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