The Role of Leadership Styles, Work-Life Balance and The Physical Environment in Promoting Psychological Well-Being: A Job Demands-Resources Perspective
This conceptual paper explores the impact of leadership styles, work-life balance, and the physical environment on psychological well-being using the Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) model as the theoretical framework. In the contemporary workplace, evolving job demands, rising expectations for mental health support, and persistent stressors like job insecurity have increased the need for organizations to prioritize employee well-being. Leadership is identified as a critical mediating variable that enhances or mitigates the effectiveness of job resources, such as work-life balance and physical environment, in promoting psychological well-being. Transformational and servant leadership styles are emphasized for their role in fostering supportive work environments that buffer the negative effects of high job demands. Additionally, the paper underscores how well-designed workspaces and balanced work-life integration can significantly enhance employee well-being, contributing to higher engagement and performance. The JD-R model provides a robust lens through which the interactions between job demands, resources, and leadership can be examined. This framework offers organizations practical strategies to safeguard employee psychological well-being by fostering leadership that advocates for flexible work arrangements and supportive physical environments. Future research should empirically validate the proposed relationships to further refine the role of leadership in promoting employee well-being.
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