Assessing the Effects of Organizational Culture on the Connection Between Innovation in Organizations and Human Resource Management
This article examines the significance of human resource management (HRM) in innovation, organizational culture, and organizational effectiveness. The conceptual framework creation was supported by extracting information from literature research on related study topics, such as resource-based views and organizational effectiveness. This paper seeks to address the existing gap in the literature on organizational effectiveness by emphasizing the role of HRM in influencing business performance. Specifically, it focuses on the intermediate impact of HRM on innovation and culture. This research can help higher education institutions better understand how human resource policies can improve long-term performance by encouraging innovation and fostering an effective culture.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Ahmad Nizam Bin Mohd Yusof, Shamsul Azren Mohd Syukur, Nur Aizureen Anwar, Zarina Abdul Munir, Ruzita Manshor, Muna Wadhiha Mohd Fauzi, Kamaruzaman Kamis

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