Factors Influencing the Career Advancement of Malaysian Women Homepreneurs on the TikTok Platform
Entrepreneurship significantly contributes to economic growth, with recent studies highlighting the rise of female entrepreneurs who challenge traditional business roles by becoming "homepreneurs." The current research focuses on Malaysian women homepreneurs using TikTok, a platform that has transformed from entertainment to a vital business tool, facilitating unique career advancement opportunities. This study aims to explore the impact of digital marketing skills, product quality, customer engagement, and understanding of TikTok's algorithm on the career advancement of Malaysian women homepreneurs. In the quantitative study focusing on the career advancement of Malaysian women homepreneurs using TikTok, the methodology incorporated structured questionnaires to assess the relationships between key variables. The data was collected from 400 participants via Google Forms, leveraging a purposive sampling technique to ensure a representative sample of women homepreneurs active on TikTok. The statistical analysis revealed that while digital marketing skills and customer engagement did not significantly impact career advancement on TikTok, a thorough understanding of the platform's algorithm was strongly associated with career progression. Conversely, the results indicate that product quality was negatively significant in driving career advancement for Malaysian women homepreneurs on TikTok. This study highlights the need for targeted strategies focusing on product excellence and deep comprehension of platform algorithms to effectively leverage TikTok for career development.
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