Influence of Corporate Information Transparency on Foreign Institutional Investors' Shareholding Behavior: Evidence from Public Listed Companies in China
In 2003, China implemented the Qualified Foreign Institutional Investor (QFII) system, which has garnered considerable interest from international institutional investors in the mainland market. As global investors, QFIIs depend significantly on precise, thorough information to bolster their investing criteria. Consequently, the transparency of corporate information becomes a crucial factor for QFIIs. However, due to the relatively late development of the Chinese market, an imbalanced structure of listed companies and information asymmetry, the information disclosure of listed companies has been subject to certain degrees of distortion. Therefore, to better facilitate the development of China's securities market and to help QFIIs fully realize their advanced value investment strategies, this paper aims to study the impact of corporate information transparency on the stockholding behavior of foreign institutional investors. This paper begins by reviewing the literature on the factors influencing institutional investor holdings, corporate transparency, and the characteristics of foreign institutional investors' stockholding. It then defines the concepts of corporate information transparency and foreign institutional investors, analyzes the current state of information transparency in Chinese listed companies, and examines the development of the QFII system in China. The theoretical framework explores the mechanisms through which corporate information transparency influences the stockholding behavior of foreign institutional investors. In the empirical analysis, the paper plans to measure the information transparency of listed companies from three perspectives: earnings quality, information ratings by the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, and the number of analyst followings, to investigate how corporate information transparency influences QFII stockholding behavior.
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